Lets try blogging again

It's been AGES since I've blogged, written in a diary or any form of writing my thoughts somewhere. After a night of insomnia from 2am-4am as the result of yet another anxiety inducing week of work I'm feeling the need to pour my thoughts somewhere.

The other result of this anxiety filled insomniac adventure is realizing that I'm not happy. I'm not happy with what my life is right now. I'm not saying I need to be happy all the time but I can tell what I'm doing is no longer working for me. When something is not working, its insanity to keep doing it and expecting different results. So I am hoping to blog my goals, the evolution toward happiness/fulfillment.

Background: So what isn't working? Why do I feel so unhappy?

  1. I have no work-life balance. My commute is too long. I'm wasting HOURS of my life in a car unable to connect with my dear children, my husband. I have no personal time to focus on personal development, exercise
  2.  I am constantly feeling like a square peg in a round hole. Since taking a promotion, I'm left feeling like I'm being held to an impossible standard. That every week is just another let down, another failure. I knew this position would be challenging, and I've been at it for 1.5 years now hoping for a breakthrough. I have high highs and the lowest of lows and I'm ending the week drained, anxious. I used to be able to leave work at work. Now its spilling into more weekends than I'm comfortable with further affecting aforementioned "Work-Life Balance" (see #1). 
  3. I need a change of scenery. Despite constantly learning new things, I think I'm just tired of my work environment. I'm tired of the people, the walls around me. 
I'm Tired. 2 kids. Full time work. Never feeling like I can breathe or catch up. So this is the status quo. Next steps: What can I change?


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